Parametric Plugin for Rhino
Ship Structures 3D modelling
Export to ANSYS for superb mesh quality
3D Management of all components on board
Weight Monitoring & Tracking
Blocks Division & Bill of Materials
Class Drawings with Annotations
Export structure to ShipConstructor
Export all components to Excel
Basic intact stability
​SEANAPTIC is a plug-in for Rhino that allows naval architects to model parametric ship structures with extreme efficiency.
Thanks to the advanced automation algorithms and the presence of the 3D model next to the 2D drawings, the modelling process is highly accelerated.
Data such as weight and center of gravity are permanently available and updated live as the model is being built.
The modelling time is similar to scaling methods, thus offering an ideal alternative when similar vessel data is not available. Results from a 3D model can now be obtained very early during the concept phase, rather than during basic design.
The model can be further exported to other specialized software for detailed engineering, class drawings, weight distribution and tracking, FEM analysis, etc.

High modelling efficiency, thanks to the permanent link between the 3D structure and the 2D drawings.
Automation of repetitive tasks, reducing time waste.
Easy elements management thanks to the tree-like view hierarchy.
User friendly interface with intuitive commands and built-in help files.
Rhino-like modelling method, minimum or no training required.
Multiple export formats using Rhino's export capabilities.
Table format reports with weight, center of gravity, mass moments etc can be extracted.
Flexibility of combining parametric and non-parametric elements in the same model.
​How does it work?
Connected design: 2D - 3D - Hierarchy
Every 3D structural object can be connected to a 2D curve in the General Arrangement drawing.

Multiple modelling methods
Objects can be created at a constant X, Y or Z coordinate, based on an imported parent surface or simply created directly with Rhino, then converted into a SEANAPTIC structural object.

Modelling method: Pick on GA
Curves selected in GA will be extruded in 3D along the relevant axis and trimmed to the final shape

Modelling method: Import
Complex surfaces can be imported and used as the base for structural objects.
Automation of series generation
Entire series of repetitive or similar objects such as Floors, Webs, Bilge Plates or Docking Plates can be created in one operation
Additions and exceptions can be set one by one or as series

-All bulkheads on a deck can be generated in one operation by selecting all the traces in GA
-Automatic identification of bulkhead direction
-Single set-up of all parameters for all bulkheads
-Individual editing of each bulkhead after the group generation

Parametric limits
-Borders can be defined, and the base surface will be trimmed accordingly, generating a topological model.
-Additional limits can be inserted if needed.
-The object shape changes with the alteration of borders' shape.

Plate division and management
-Material, thickness and color can be individually set to each plate.
-Weight and Center of gravity is instantly available and updated live.
Seams definition
The object can be split in multiple plates of different thicknesses using seams
Seams can be defined at constant coordinates or by selecting curves in the General Arrangement drawings
Objects intersection can also define limits

Cutouts and Openings
Several parametric methods are available:
-Series of identical openings repeating on X, Y or Z
-Series of cutouts adapting to the objects contour
-Offsets from borders
-By Trace - selecting closed curves on GA
Cutouts and Openings
Example of an opening series definition on a deck
Manholes, rectangle with rounded corners and circular openings can be defined in any size

Cutouts and Openings
Example of an opening series definition of variable height following the contour of a floor

Cutouts and Openings
Closed curves in GA can be used to cut openings in 3D

Entire series of stiffeners can be created in one operation
Repeating along X, Y or Z on all types of structural elements
If available on GA, the traces can be selected to be transformed into stiffeners in 3D

Example of a stiffeners series: longitudinals on a deck
Setting the first stiffeners, the last one and the spacing between them.
The profile is easily changeable
Flatbulb (HP), Flat bars, L and T profiles are available in any size
Curves on GA can be selected and transferred in 3D as Stiffeners
Editing to curve will reflect in 3D as well

Flip the stiffeners on the other side of the plate

Flip the flange against the throw

Weight Tracking of Components
The 3D Components Management Module offer the possibility to track all the items on board.
Each object can be moved or rotated and placed at the correct location.
The CoG updates live as the object is being edited.
Meant to replace old table tools. Eliminates follow-up errors.

The components can be defined as simple geometrical solids in the preliminary phase or using a detailed 3D model.

Up-to-date Weight and center of Gravity for the entire ship or for any sub-assembly are permanently available
Weight calculation are performed using parallel processing, thus not interfering with the modelling

Color Coding
To be used for the quality check of the model, for both plates and stiffeners.
- User defined: according to the color selected during the generation
- Color Code: according to the color selected for the particular thickness/profile and material

Block Sections / Units
- To divide the structure into Blocks.
- Extract Weight and CoG of each block.
- Export Bill of Materials for individual blocks or all together.

Bill of Materials
- Export to Excel the Bill of Materials for individual blocks
- Obtain usage for each plate thickness, profile type and material type
- Generate annotated drawings to be used as starting point for Class Drawings.
- Create Transverse, Horizontal or Longitudinal Sections through the structure.
- Project any object or group of objects onto a selected view plane.
- Draw an entire array of sections or projections.
- Redraw to update the changes in the structure.
- Set the annotations font size.
- Lines color according to object color.